Frequency Counters : EIP 588C


EIP 588C
放大图片EIP 588C

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The 588C measures CW or pulsed microwave RF signals. The CW measurement range is 100 Hz - 26.5 GHz. An optional frequency extension increases the frequency range to 170 GHz. The pulsed RF measurement range is 250 MHz - 26.5 GHz. Repetitive pulsed RF signals as narrow as 50 ns with prf's from 250 ns to 1 second can be measured. Using the Inhibit In connector, the 588C can profile pulsed or chirped signals with measurement windows as narrow as 15 ns. A 9 digit sectionalized LED display provides easy frequency determination. Input sensitivity is -20 dBm from 950 MHz - 20 GHz and -10 dBm above 20 GHz. An IEEE-488 interface is standard.
  • 制造商: EIP
  • 模型: 588C