Chart Recorders Recorders Plotters : Astro med MT95K2



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Astro-Med MT95K2 8 - 32 Channel Strip Chart / Waveform Recorder - Now you can have complete flexibility and unsurpassed recording power, all in one recorder. This high-powered platform includes all the features you have come to expect from an Astro-Med recorder such as 300 DPI laser printer resolution, 500 mm/second top chart speed, and 200 kSamples/second sample rate, to name a few. With the MT95K2 Astro-Med introduced such ground-breaking features as a built-in waveform monitor located directly over the chart, built-in front panel floppy drive and encoder wheel to the recorder industry. 


  • No Delay...see full traces on monitor while recording
  • Personal Chart Setups with on-board floppy drive
  • Laser Printer Chart Resolution - 300 dpi; crisp traces
  • Data Capture - up to 32 megabytes in RAM
  • 8 to 32 Waveform Channels - plus 64 events; DC to 20kHz; chart speeds to 500 mm/sec
  • 制造商: Astro med
  • 模型: MT95K2