Sweep Generators : Wavetek 22


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The Model 22 is a closed-loop, frequency stabilized Sweep/Function Generator. Both short term and long term frequency accuracy is 0.09% over its 100 ?Hz to 11 MHz frequency span?now that's accuracy! Modes are continuous, triggered, gated, sweep set, continuous sweep and triggered sweep. Output levels are to 20 V p-p (10 V p-p into 50 Ohms). Waveforms are sine, triangle, square, ramp up, ramp down, and DC. Above 1.1 kHz waveforms are analog generated; below waveforms are digitally synthesized. An LCD display shows frequency (3 1/2 digits plus unit of measure) and annuciators that indicate selected operating modes, etc. Also features DC Offset control, Sync Output, and External Trigger/Gate inputs. Great accuracy, versatile outputs, extremely easy to use?order your Model 22 today!
  • 制造商: Wavetek
  • 模型: 22