Bit Error Rate Test Set : Aeroflex IFR FB100A


Aeroflex-IFR FB100A
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Aeroflex-IFR FB100A
BER Test System

The FB100A is a modular, expandable, high data rate BER (Bit Error Rate) test system. With operation from DC to 160 Mb/s, serial and/or parallel data interfacing and INSTALOK synchronization, the versatility of the FB100A provides the flexibility to connect to most users' terminal equipment or evaluation boards and simply setup and run a test.

Fast Bit's FB100A is designed to plug in and connect to almost any commercial modulator, demodulator (i.e. modem) or set top box evaluation board. The data generator and error detector offer parallel interfacing through specially designed PODs, with a choice of logic levels. The clock and data signals can also be complemented with two supplemental I/O signals, programmed to your specific handshaking requirements (e.g. DVALID, PSYNC) to meet the requirements of asynchronous receivers.

  • 制造商: Aeroflex IFR
  • 模型: FB100A