Lock in Amplifiers : Stanford Research SR850


Stanford Research SR850
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SR850 100 kHz DSP lock-in amplifier

The SR850 is a digital lock-in amplifier based on an innovative DSP (Digital Signal Processing) architecture. The SR850 boasts a number of significant performance advantages over traditional lock-in amplifiershigher dynamic reserve, lower drift, lower distortion, and dramatically higher phase resolution. In addition, the CRT display and 65,536 point memory make it possible to display and process data in a variety of formats unavailable with conventional lock-ins.


  • 1 mHz to 102.4 kHz frequency range
  • >100 dB dynamic reserve
  • 0.001 degree phase resolution
  • Time constants from 10 Micros to 30 ks
    (up to 24 dB/oct rolloff)
  • Auto-gain, -phase, -reserve and -offset
  • Data logging (up to 65k samples)
  • Smoothing, curve fitting & statistics
  • GPIB, RS-232 and 3.5" disk drive


  • 制造商: Stanford Research
  • 模型: SR850