SPIRENT GSS4100 GPS/SBAS Signal Generator
The GSS4100 GPS/SBAS Simulator is a complete, low-cost Single-Channel RF generator for testing satellite navigation equipment, especially in a manufacturing environment, in the laboratory or in the field.
The GSS4100 generates either a GPS L1 C/A code signal or a Space Based Augmentation System (SBAS) signal (WAAS/EGNOS/MSAS).
Standard IEEE-488 (GPIB) and USB interfaces provide the mechanism for integrating the GSS4100 into a user s test environment. The GSS4100 also supports synchronization to other systems via its 1PPS / Trigger and Frequency Standard inputs and its 1PPS output.
Control is provided over all aspects of the signal generated, including PRN, power level, Doppler, time of the simulation and signal/message content. This capability is accessed either in a stand-alone interactive mode, using SimCHAN software (not included) for Microsoft Windows via USB, or in a fully integrated ATE mode via the documented GPIB control interface.
Supports both GPS and SBAS signals in a single package
Full control over signal content and dynamics
Integrated ATE and stand-alone instrument modes
Fully user-definable data messages using SimCHAN software (Not Included)
Stable and accurate all-digital FPGA architecture
Industry-standard GPIB (compatible with STR4775 product)
Low cost
Rack mount kit available