Analog Oscilloscopes : Iwatsu SS-7840


Iwatsu SS-7840
放大图片Iwatsu SS-7840

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The SS-7800 Series analog oscilloscope is the only 470MHz portable analog oscilloscope in the world. A full lineup is available, from 20MHz to 470MHz.

  • DC to 470MHz wideband (SS-7840H): The highest bandwidth is guaranteed at the probe tip for all 4 channels
    -DC - 400MHz: SS-7840
    -DC - 300MHz: SS-7830
    -DC - 250MHz: SS-7825 (No longer sold)
  • 2mV/div (CH1, CH2)(SS-7840/7830/7825)
  • 5-digit frequency counter
  • Iwatsu Test Instruments Corporation-developed bright, sharp CRT
    -For the most important part of the analog oscilloscope -the CRT- Iwatsu Test Instruments Corporation uses its own original CRT. Based on our more than 40 years experience in CRT design, this advanced model features superlative brightness and sharpness that even allows you to easily observe signals with slow repetition and a high-speed rise.
  • DC offset function (CH1, CH2)
    -This function is convenient when you need to observe a signal with a very small amplitude superimposed over a signal with a large amplitude. It's especially useful when observing high-frequency noise superimposed over video signals or the ripple of a high-voltage DC power supply. DC offset equivalent to +-500 div max. can be applied.
  • TV / HDTV triggering
    -Field (EVEN, ODD, BOTH) and line selection is possible for NTSC, PAL (SECAM), HDTV.
  • TV clamp (Pedestal clamp) function (CH1, CH2)
    -A function that displays the backporch level of a composite signal fixed to ground level can be used to conveniently monitor signals that deviate from the average voltage.
  • Event trigger
  • High-speed auto setup function



  • 制造商: Iwatsu
  • 模型: SS-7840