Fusion Splicers Fiber Optic Equipment : Ericsson FSU 925 PM


Ericsson FSU 925 PM
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FSU925PM/FSU 925PM Fiber Splicer

The FSU 925 PM fusion splicer can be used to splice all single-mode and multimode silica fibers available on the market for tlecommunication, sensers and data applications. These include fibers with colored or uncolored, loose or tight secondary coatings: diameters 150 Microm and 1000 Microm. The FSU 925 PM-A splicer is a further development of the standard FSU 925 RTC splicer, adding the additional functions when splicing Polarization Maintaining fibers.
  • 制造商: Ericsson
  • 模型: FSU 925 PM