The NSG226 Data Line Interference Simulator Plug-In simulates the interference occurring in data transmission lines. This allows the study of the susceptibility of data transmission systems to Radio Frequency Interference in the laboratory during systems design.
For channel 1, the amplitude of the interference pulses can be chosen between 1500 V peak, 1000 V peak and 500 V peak.
For channel 2 pulse amplitude (peak) is 10, 20 or 30 V.
Pulsewidth of interference pulses is approx. 100 ns,
rise time selectable between 5, 10, 15 or 20 ns.
Repetition rate is 1 Hz or 10 Hz,
internal impedance approx. 200 ohms.
Data pulses have repetition frequency < 10 MHz, pulse amplitude <100 V.
Gate and trigger are operated by TTL signal or by mechanical contact.