Modules Accessories and Upgrades : Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation O85 OPTICAL MODULE


Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation O85 OPTICAL MODULE
放大图片Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation O85 OPTICAL MODULE

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850 nm Optical Module ( 2 mW, pulse, CW) for 6040

Light Out

Spectral Peak

850nm +/- 15nm (nominal) Spectral Width

less than 5nm (nominal) Power Levels

0 to 2 mW baseline, 100 uW to 2 mW peak (Custom up to 10mW); independently adjustable. Impulse output fixed at 100 uW baseline, 1.5 mW peak (typical). Resolution

10 uW, 100 uW to 2 mW pulses; 0 to 2 mW in External Modulation and CW. Transition Times (20% to 80%)

500 ps rise time, 1.5 ns fall time (pulses with zero baseline) 1 ns rise time, 1 ns fall time (pulses with non zero baseline). Dynamic Range

13 dB, pulses with zero baseline; 20 dB, pulses with nonzero baselineExternal Modulation and CW. Accuracy (Nonzero Baseline)

Absolute: +/- 1 dB, 200 uW to 2 mW. Relative: +/- 0.5 dB, 200 uW to 2 mW pulses;+ 30 uW, 200 uW to 2 mW for External Modulation and CW. Temperature Coefficient

0.05 dB/ degrees C. Fiber

6/125 Single Mode Fiber standard (Contact Factory for custom); 0.21 NA. Connector

ST Standared (Contact Factory for custom)



Internal 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz; external 0 to 100 MHz. Pulse Width

3 ns to 640 s. Impulse

400 ps typical (fixed). Delay

0 ns to 640 s (plus fixed delay). External Drive

0 to 200 MHz, pulses with zero baseline; 0 to 300 MHz, pulses with nonzerobaseline; 300 mV min. amplitude; 50 ohm input. External Modulation

100 Hz to 700 MHz (-3 dB); 100mV rms/mW sensitivity (typical); 50 ohminput. Module Delay

10 ns typical (fixed) mainframe's Pulse Out to Light Out. Jitter 100ps rms.
  • 制造商: Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation