Modules Accessories and Upgrades : Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation 201E RISE TIME MODULE


Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation 201E RISE TIME MODULE
放大图片Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation 201E RISE TIME MODULE

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150 ps Rise Time Module for 6040

Fast Pulses with Delay and Width Control

The Model 201E is a plug-in module for BNC Model 6040 Mainframe. It offers 150pS risetimes and very low jitter. The sharp edges of the 201E are ideal for testing components or triggering experiments. The pulse amplitude and width are adjustable via the front panel or remote programming.

The 201E may be triggered with an internal rate generator, external trigger or external modulation. There is an ECL output, a Pulse Out from the 6040, and a Fast Pulse Out from the 201E module (SMA connector).

Pulse Out:

  • Amplitude

    4 V into 50 ohms.

  • Resolution

    20 mV (to max. amplitude).

  • Accuracy

    0.1% of setting, +/- 15 mV.

  • Transition Times (20% to 80%)

    0.75 V to 4 V <150 ps rise time, <150 ps fall time.

  • Aberrations

    +/- 5% of amplitude, +/- 200 mV.

  • Settling Time

    3 ns to 0.5%; 10 ns to 0.1%.

  • High/Low Level Limits

    >+/- 4 V. Independently adjustable pulse peak and baseline levels provide normal, complement or bipolar output within a 10 V window.


  • Trigger

    Internal 0.01 Hz to 100 MHz; external 0 to 100 MHz.

  • Pulse Width

    3 ns to 640 s. 1 ns available through internal adjustment or with External Drive (contact factory).

  • Delay

    0 ns to 640 s (plus insertion delay).

  • External Drive

    0 to 300 MHz, 300 mV min. am plitude; 50 ohm input. Typical performance with inputs of 1 V or more provides pulse widths down to 1 ns or less at drive frequencies to 500 MHz.

  • Module Delay

    0 ns typical (fixed) mainframe's Pulse Out to module's Pulse Out. Jitter 30 ps rms.

    • 制造商: Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
    • 模型: 201E RISE TIME MODULE