Optical Spectrum Analyzers : Exfo IQ-203


Exfo IQ-203
放大图片Exfo IQ-203

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IQ-200 Series Optical Test System (OTS)

The system has effortless manual and automated measurements with data analysis as a priority. The IQ-203 Control Unit has a PC-based architecture and easy-to-use Windows environment. It is also possible to plug a CRT into the back for easy viewing.

This system has the following features:

Three Module Slots
Floppy drive
Front-panel keys
Built-in hard disk
Front-panel mouse

Optional Modules:
IQ-1100 Power Meter
IQ-1200 4-Channel Power Meter
IQ-1500 Calibration Power Meter
IQ-1600 High-Speed Power Meter
IQ-2100 Light Source
IQ-2300 ASE Broadband Source
IQ-2400 WDM Laser Source
IQ-2600B Tunable Laser Source
IQ-3100 Variable Attenuator
IQ-3200 Return Loss Meter
IQ-3300 Variable Reflector
IQ-3400 PDL/OL Meter
IQ-5100 Polarization Controller
IQ-5240 Optical Spectrum Analyzer
IQ-5310 Wavelength Meter
IQ-5320 Multi-Wavelength Meter
IQ-9100 Optical Switch
  • 制造商: Exfo
  • 模型: IQ-203