Pulse Generators : AVTECH AV-108F-1-B


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The AV-108F-3-B pulsed constant current generator (or pulsed laser diode driver) is designed for driving laser diodes and other low impedance loads with peak currents as high as 200 Amps and average currents to 20 Amps. The pulse width is adjustable from 20 us to 1 ms, and the rise and fall times are 10 us or less. Load voltages as high as 20V may be accommodated. This model can deliver average powers of up to 400 Watts. A user-supplied DC power supply is required to power the instrument, in additional to standard AC power. The AV-108F-1-B operates to 50 Amps peak (20A average) and 20 Volts.
  • 制造商: AVTECH
  • 模型: AV-108F-1-B