Broadband Amplifiers : AVTECH AV-112A-PS



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The AV-112 family is designed for lower impedance loads (and thus higher average powers). The AV-112D-PS is a high-power, variable-gain, high-voltage linear amplifier that accepts inputs of 0 to +2 Volts, and amplifies the signal up to as much as +50V, for operation into load impedances of 10 Ohms or higher. The amplifier bandwidth is 20 kHz. This instrument is ideal for amplifying the outputs of low-voltage arbitrary waveform generators. The 400 Volt (peak-to-peak) Model AV-112A-PS features a bandwidth of DC to 300 kHz, a 1 us rise time, and a gain that is variable (using a ten-turn control) from x1 to x100.
  • 制造商: AVTECH
  • 模型: AV-112A-PS