Converters Other Types of Equipment : AVTECH AVX-SIPB-PS



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The AVX-SIP series is useful in experimental applications where a sine wave signal must be converted to logic-level pulses, to trigger other equipment. The AVX-SIPA-PS converts a sine-wave input with an amplitude in the range of 0.2V to 5V peak-to-peak to TTL levels (0 and +3 to +5V). The input frequency may be as high as 50 MHz. The output pulse width is adjustable from 10 ns to 10 us using a three-position decade range switch and a one-turn vernier control. The AVX-SIPB-PS is similar, except that the output pulse width is fixed at 50% of the input period. In other words, the output duty cycle is 50% (for a true sine wave input). The high-speed AVX-SIPC-PS operates up to 250 MHz. The output logic levels are ECL (-1.6V and -0.8V), for compatibility with high-speed logic circuitry. All models require 100 - 240 Volts AC, 50 - 60 Hz prime power and are equipped with BNC input and output connectors. All models are also available in a wider, rack-mountable version.
  • 制造商: AVTECH
  • 模型: AVX-SIPB-PS