Modules Accessories and Upgrades : VXI Technology SM7013L


VXI Technology SM7013L
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The SM7013L is part of the SMIP II family, offering the extensive control and interfacing features provided by SMIP II. Microwave relay technology has been pioneered to offer density, modularity and cost benefits.

The SM7013L houses three microwave 20 GHz latching, self-terminated SPDT relays and has the option of adding up to two SP6T 20 GHz latching, self-terminated switches. In order to drive additional RF/Microwave components, such as attenuators, 32 SPST relays (nonlatching) are also provided per SM7013L.

Each switch includes isolated indicator circuitry, allowing the status of the relays to be read directly via the VXI backplane, even after power is cycled, this allows users to determine the relay position. For applications where a higher mixture of self-terminated SPDT and multi-position switches are needed, the SM7001L and SM7012L modules are recommended.
  • 制造商: VXI Technology
  • 模型: SM7013L