Transmission Analyzers : Ando AP-9940


Ando AP-9940
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(Yokogawa AP9940) 10Gb/s SONET/SDH Analyzer

This equipment is a measuring instrument for evaluating a large-capacity SDH transmission system that is used in the main system. The equipment consists of a measuring section and a control section and is used to make physical layer and high-order overhead tests at the speed of the SDH interface STM-64/STS-192.

For making low-order overhead tests as well as the above tests it is necessary to connect the STM-1/-4 analyzer to this equipment to make it possible to test low-speed signals. This equipment is a measuring instrument that is applicable to various uses such as transmitter development manufacturing construction and maintenance.
  • 制造商: Ando
  • 模型: AP-9940