Accessories and Upgrades Other Types of Equipment : Instek GRF-3300S


Instek GRF-3300S
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RF Training System

RF & Spectrum Analyzer Training System

The GRF-3300 Series training system is designed for a high frequency range of wireless applications. This superior system is equipped with digital phase-locked loop (PLL) and a microstrip line filter (MLF) with a design range from 730MHz up to 960MHz / 2.4 GHz, which is increasingly important in the education field. By using the Wireless Voice Communication system, students can practically complement their education.

The GRF-3300 with the combination of a training syllabus, basic theory, systematic demonstrations and hands-on experiments make it the perfect match for modern RF communication education. The spectrum analyzer used in the training system is not only capable of experimenting with measurement testing, but is also a standard industrial instrument itself, making it practical for students to adapt in the occupational field.

  • 制造商: Instek
  • 模型: GRF-3300S