Signal Analyzers : Sunrise Telecom CR1200R


Sunrise Telecom CR1200R
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Hukk Digital Signal Analyzer

The Hukk Engineering Model CR1200 QAM Monitor allows monitoring and testing of quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signal transmissions. QAM signaling is used on broadband systems to deliver compressed digital video signals and is also used in MCNS compatible cable modems. The CR1200 demodulates the carrier and performs error detection on the live program data stream.

In addition, the CR1200 performs analog tests on NTSC, HRC and IRC signals, providing video and audio measurements of these signals.

The CR1200 is portable and easy to use for both interactive and unattended measurements. The CR1200 reveals crucial performance information to the earth station/headend technician, field technician, and installer to identify reception problems and speed troubleshooting. The system engineer can obtain numerical measurements of service quality with the CR1200s display of summary information.
  • 制造商: Sunrise Telecom
  • 模型: CR1200R