Frequency Counters : XL Microwave 3460A


XL Microwave 3460A
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Microwave Frequency Counter

The 3000-series of combined microwave counters and power meters, providing simultaneous measurement of both frequency and power, suits both field, lab bench and test rack environments.

For field applications like installation, maintenance and calibration of microwave links, radar CW, microwave transmitters, DAB or DTV links, satellite ground stations or radio base stations, the models in the 3000-series give you ultra-high accuracy in a portable compact, lightweight and rugged design. A weather-resistant instrument back-pack is included.

Ultimate frequency counting featuring:
  • Simultaneous Frequency and Power measurements
  • Wide frequency range from 10 Hz to 60 GHz
  • Compact, portable, rugged and battery operated
  • High stability Oven-controlled Crystal timebases and ultra-stable Rubidium option
  • Short acquisition time (<60ms)
  • Outstanding performance/price ratio
  • 制造商: XL Microwave
  • 模型: 3460A