Mainframes Other Types of Equipment : Agilent-Keysight E1300A


Agilent E1300A
放大图片Agilent-Keysight E1300A

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The HP E1300A B-size VXI mainframe provides 9
slots. Two of the 9 slots are located internally and are
dedicated to housing the 2-slot HP E1326B multimeter.
Three A-size slots are also available for installing, for
example, modules like the HP E1324A RS-232C/422
terminal interface.

The HP E1300A mainframe features a built-in highperformance
command module (functionally identical
to the HP E1306A Command Module) with built-in
HP-IB interface. Standalone operation is easily configured
with DC power and HP IBASIC controller options
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: E1300A