Pitot Static Air Data Avionics Test Sets : Barfield DPI-610


Barfield DPI-610
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The Barfield DPI610 Aero is an inexpensive, portable, self-contained single channel leak tester for aircraft pitot and static systems. The unit is configured as a single channel unit for testing either altitude or airspeed parameters. Scaling is provided in aeronautical units for both altitude and airspeed, functions such as leak and switch test are addressed directly.

A single pressure/vacuum selectable hand pump is provided for supplying the necessary pressure (no electric or external pressure sources required) for on-board leak testing. The test sets pneumatics are so arranged that the units maximum rate of climb is +/- 3000 ft/min when used with a recommended hose of 15 ft x0.25 in inside diameter hose at altitudes below 15k ft.

  • Ideal for flightline leak checks and troubleshooting
  • Performs precision Pito-Static test
  • Fully portable, self-contained (no electric or external pressure sources required)
  • Rechargeable battery power
  • Pneumatic hand pumps and release volume adjuster for value settings (Press. or Vac.)
  • Releases valve and ground valve for lowering values to atmospheric. Rates limited to +/- 3k ft/min

Contact us today for quality used avionics equipment.
  • 制造商: Barfield
  • 模型: DPI-610