Power Sensors Sensors : Electronics Innovation PI-10


Electronics Innovation PI-10
放大图片Electronics Innovation PI-10

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US $1,750.00

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(ENI-E&I) PI-10 Power Indicator

E&I's new line of power indicators enable the measurement of forward and reflected power in one instrument - allowing you to quickly and accurately determine how much power is being delivered to your load. Measuring RMS power to an accuracy of +/- 3% over the entire frequency range, these portable units are self-contained with easy to read LCD displays.

Our line of power indicators range in different power levels and frequency ranges to meet your specific requirements - please refer to the table below, or contact us to learn more.
  • Broadband power measurement
  • Simultaneous forward and reflected power measurement
  • Low insertion loss
  • Frequency Range - 100 KHz - 10 MHz
  • Output Power - 200 Watts
  • 制造商: Electronics Innovation
  • 模型: PI-10