The R&S ESMD wideband monitoring receiver can handle all signal searching, radiomonitoring, radio detection/reconnaissance and spectrum monitoring tasks in line with ITU recommendations. The receiver is ideal for both mobile and stationary applications. Its operation and functionality are optimized for monitoring tasks. Additional functions allow use in other areas, especially when realtime analysis of signals is required.
Frequency range from 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz (basic version: 20 MHz to 3.6 GHz)
Extensive preselection for optimum reception even in scenarios with dense signal occupancy
20 MHz realtime bandwidth (optional 80 MHz)
Four additional digital down converters (DDCs) within the realtime bandwidth
RF spectrum with scan rates of up to 20 GHz/s (43 GHz/s with 80 MHz option)
IF spectrum of up to 20 MHz (optional 80 MHz)
Polychrome IF spectrum for reliable detection of pulsed signals
Video spectrum for displaying the demodulated signal
Waterfall display for all spectra
Two separate signal processing paths for demodulation/measurements and IF panorama
Wideband demodulation for accurate level measurements even for very short pulses
Can be expanded into a direction finder
Hardware-accelerated signal processing for multichannel signal analysis