The FTB-8080 Sync Analyzer is a comprehensive test solution for telecom network synchronization assurance, monitoring and troubleshooting applications. It can be used as a stand-alone instrument, controlled remotely via Ethernet, or operated from EXFO's FTB-500 Platform. A complete suite of SCPI commands allow easy automation in manufacturing or lab testing applications.
The FTB-8080 offers a full range of wander and sync testing functionalities, including graphical display of TIE, MTIE and TDEV parameters, as well as comparison to ITU/ANSI/ETS standards and user-definable masks. The companion Sync View software suite allows remote data retrieval and test case setup, eliminating the need to visit test sites during prolonged monitoring periods. Easy to operate and maintain, the FTB-8080 Sync Analyzer prevents common measurement errors by offering automated signal detection. The internal rubidium clock is automatically calibrated when connected to a cesium or GPS reference signal, allowing adjustment in the field by untrained personnel.
Measures wander on transmission rates from 4 kHz to 52 Mb/s
Portable 2.048/1.544 MHz clock generator
Display of TIE, MTIE and TDEV, as well as comparison with standard masks
E1 clock/data signals (2 Mb/s)
Transmission rates from 4 kHz to 52 Mb/s (E3, DS-1, DS-3, STS-1, STM-0)