Options Accessories and Upgrades : Kikusui OP02-PIA


Kikusui OP02-PIA
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Control Board (only Voltage and Current setting)
The PIA4810 is a power supply controller capable of analog and digital control. It is equipped with the GPIB and RS-232C interfaces and 4 slots, which allow 4 each of PIA4800 Series-specific control boards to be installed. A control board is capable of analog control of 2 channels of DC power supplies or electronic loads; a total of 8 channels can be controlled.

OP01-PIA and OP02-PIA are control boards designed exclusively for the PIA4810 and PIA4820. A single control board is capable of analog control of 2 channels of DC power supplies or electronic loads. The OP01-PIA is a full-control board with voltage and current setting and read-back functions, while the OP02-PIA4800 has only the voltage and current setting feature.
  • 制造商: Kikusui
  • 模型: OP02-PIA