Modules Accessories and Upgrades : Agilent-Keysight E9821A


Agilent E9821A
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Agilent E9821A - Singnal Processor Module for E3238 System
Modular hardware design extends to the internal design of the E9821A and SCMVX008 DSP modules, where daughter-cards are used to implement digital signal processing and digital-down-covertor (DDC) requirements. The E9821A DSP module is used for all search systems, but the turners and ADCs are different depending on the frequency range of interest.

Search is performed by detecting new energy in the frequency domain, as new signals briefly appear and disappear. To do this in real-time at the extremely high sweep rates attainable with the E3238, extensive DSP capabilities are required.
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: E9821A