Temperature Calibrators : Fluke 9100S-D-156


Fluke 9100S-D-156
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US $2,195.00

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FLUKE CALIBRATION - 9100S-D-156 - Dry-Well, Handheld Hi-Temp, Block D (Euro)

For work in the temperature range of -10 degrees C to 122 degrees C (14 degrees F to 252 degrees F), the Hart Scientific Model 9102S dry-well temperature calibrator is another first in the industry, featuring stability to +/-0.05 degrees C.

The Hart Scientific Model 9102S dry-well temperature calibrator is only four inches high and six inches wide, achieves temperatures as low as -10 degrees C, includes a NIST-traceable calibration, and is stable to +/-0.05 degrees C. The Hart Scientific Model 9102S dry-well temperature calibrator is excellent for dial gauges, digital thermometers, bulb switches, and other sensors that need calibration below ambient.

  • 制造商: Fluke
  • 模型: 9100S-D-156