The RapidTrace 1200 TDR / Cable Fault Locator has a 11 measurement ranges from 0.5m to 6000m (6km) and is accurate to 1% 25, 50, 75 & 100ohm Selectable Cable Impedance
The TDR / Cable Fault Locator 's Memory capacity allows users to store up to 50 saved traces
Historical data can be uploaded to the RapidTrace 1200 TDR / Cable Fault Locator for comparison with current measurements
Using pre determined gain and pulse width and with only 5 control buttons, all major operating and setting parameters can be easily accessed on the TDR / Cable Fault Locator
The TDR / Cable Fault Locator has a built in Tone Generator for Pair Tracing/Identification
The USB 2.0 interface with Windows compatible software "TraceXtra" gives the user an option to download and analyse saved traces to a windows PC form the TDR / Cable Fault Locator
The USB interface of the TDR / Cable Fault Locator also allows the user to upload saved traces from PC hard disk to the unit
RapidTrace 1200 Pricing Includes:
1 x RapidTrace 1200 Base Unit
1 x Banana plug to Croc clips lead
1 x User Guide CD
4 x AA Batteries
1 x Weatherproof carry/usable bag