DC Loads Power Supplies : Kikusui PLZ334W


Kikusui PLZ334W
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The PLZ-4W/4WA Series Electronic Loads are designed for integration in test systems for both characteristic and lifetime tests of a variety of DC power sources, such as switching power supplies, primary/secondary batteries, and Fuel Cell stacks.

The PLZ-4W series have six operation modes: Constant Current (CC), Constant Resistance (CR), Constant Voltage (CV), Constant Power (CP), Constant Current + Constant Voltage (CC+CV) and Constant Resistance + Constant Voltage (CR+CV).

The PLZ-4W/WA Series consists of four models plus a booster unit PLZ2004WB. To achieve a large capacity system at low cost, the PLZ1004W can be connected in parallel with up to four booster units for a total power of maximum 9kW /1800A. Moreover, up to 5 units of the same model can be connected in parallel in a Master / Slave configuration.

With a high-performance current control circuit incorporated, the PLZ-4W/Wa series provide highly stable, high-speed operation. All models are standard equipped with GPIB, USB and RS232C Interface for esay remote control and system integration.

The PLZ-164WA accepts DC input voltages of 0V, making it ready for characterization of fuel cells.

1.5 to 150V
330W Rise time: 10 micro second (which converts to rise and fall times) high-speed response
Possible to perform actual Load simulation by sequence control function
Equipped with USB (Supplied as standard)
  • 制造商: Kikusui
  • 模型: PLZ334W