Biconical Antennas : Com Power ABM-6000


Com Power ABM-6000
放大图片Com Power ABM-6000

Our Price:

US $1,850.00

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The ABM-6000 is a precisely tuned, linearly polarized, mini-biconical dipole antenna, operating at the low end of the microwave band over the frequency range of 1 to 6 GHz. It may be used as either a transmitting or receiv- ing antenna.

The ABM-6000 was specifically designed to comply with radiation pattern specifications detailed in CISPR 16-1-4 (section, and is intended to be used as the trans- mit source antenna for site validations above 1 GHz for radiated emissions test sites, such as OATS (open area test sites), anechoic and semi-anechoic chambers.

Its lightweight, compact design makes the antenna eas- ily portable, while its stainless steel housing and brass elements provide durability, enabling the antenna to be transported and used in almost any environment. The textured, powder-coated handle section of the shaft along with the supplied mounting clamp allow for easy mount- ing of the antenna on any tripod or antenna.

  • 制造商: Com Power
  • 模型: ABM-6000