Tescom TC-5901C Pneumatic Shield Box is about 50% larger in test area and height than our popular TC-595X series shield boxes providing more flexibility in handling larger devices and test fixtures. This product provides an efficient RF-isolated test environment for manufacturing mobile phones and wireless devices.
Key Features:
* Reliable High RF shielding up to 5.8GHz owing to simple updown lid motion
* Pneumatic control of lid open-close and optional automatic test fixture motions
* EMI filters on all data ports and power line
* Manual or remote operation(RS-232C)
* Modular I/O design for possible customization of data and RF connection
* Fixture control air outputs for custom test fixture
* Red and Green LED for Pass/Fail indication
* Dual pressure control and Lid Down Sensor for safety
* CE compliant : EN 292-1:1991, EN 292-2:1991/A1:1995, EN 983:1996, EN 1050:1996, EN 60204-1:1997