Modules Accessories and Upgrades : Agilent-Keysight 86105A


Agilent 86105A
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Agilent/HP 86105A 20 GHz Electrical / 20 GHz Optical Plug-In Module

The Agilent 86105A incorporates two measurement channels -- one optical, the second electrical. Each channel has two selectable bandwidth settings. In the lower bandwidth mode of 12.4 GHz, oscilloscope noise performance is excellent, while the 20 GHz mode allows greater fidelity for high-speed signals. The optical channel also has a switchable filter to produce a calibrated SDH/SONET reference receiver. The integrated optical channel reduces mismatch loss variation by eliminating signal distorting cables and connectors associated with the use of external receivers in order to accurately characterize optical waveforms. The optical channel is calibrated at 1310 nm and 1550 nm to provide accurate display of the received optical waveform in optical power units and measurement of the signal's average power. Switchable filters for compliance testing at 155, 622, 2488 or 9953 Mb/s are available. (For use with 86100A Infiniium DCA Oscilloscope Mainframe)

011 = HMS-10 Connetcor
012 = FC/PC Connector
013 = DIN Connector
014 = ST Connector
017 = SC Connector
101 = 155 Mb/s Reference Receiver Filter
102 = 622 Mb/s Reference Receiver Filter
103 = 2488 Mb/s Reference Receiver Filter
201 = 622 and 2488 Mb/s Reference Receiver Filters
202 = 2488 and 9953 Mb/s Reference Receiver Filters
C24 = Front panel external filter ports: 1250, 2125, 2488, Mb/s external and 2666 Mb/s internal filters
C25 = Front panel external filters: 1063, 1250, 2125, 2488 Mb/s external and 9953 Mb/s internal filters
C27 = Front panel external filters: 155, 622, 1063, 1250, 2125, 2488 Mb/s external and 9953 Mb/s internal filters
H08 = STM-8/OC-24 (1244 Mb/s) and STM-16/OC-48 (2488 Mb/s) SDH/SONET receiver
H30 = 3.125 Gb/s and 12.5 Gb/s reference receiver
H31 = OC-48 (2.488 Gb/s) and 3.125 Gb/s reference receiver
H32 = 3.125 Gb/s and OC-192 (9.953 Gb/s) receiver filters
H38 = Two internal filters, OC-3 and OC-48
H44 = Gigabit Ethernet (1250 Mb/s) & OC-48 (2488 Mb/s) filters
H46 = Double fibre channel (2125 Mb/s) and OC-48 (2488 Mb/s) reference receiver
H94 = OC-192 (9.953 Gb/s) and 12.5 Gb/s reference receiver
UK6 = Commercial calibration certificate with test data
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 86105A