Microwave Counters : EIP 331


EIP 331
放大图片EIP 331

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The completely solid-state 331 Autohet? Microwave Counter automatically measures the frequency of any CW signal within the range of 825MHz to 18.0GHz. A direct readout of the measured frequency is displayed on an 8-digit display in a fixed position format that is sectionalized in GHz, MHz, and kHz. Accuracy is exceptional, ?1 count ?time base error (aging rate of <3x10E-07/month). Gate time: 1 ms; Sample Rate: variable 10Hz to 0.1Hz with switchable HOLD. Minimum sensitivity: 825MHz to 1.1GHz (40 mV rms), 1.1GHz to 12.4GHz (22 mV rms), 12.4GHz to 18GHz (40 mV rms). 50-ohms input impedance.
  • 制造商: EIP
  • 模型: 331