Communication Analyzers : Agilent-Keysight 37718A


Agilent 37718A
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Agilent-Hp OmniBER 718 (37718A) communications performance analyzer offers a one box field portable multi-rate BER and jitter tester up to 2.5Gb/s (STM-16/OC-48) for installation, maintenance, commissioning, system verification and manufacture of SDH/SONET/ATM transport networks and network equipment.

- ATM test capability to 2.5Gb/s
- SDH only or dual SDH and SONET configurations
- Concatenated payloads at all synchronous rates up to 2.5 Gb/s
- Smartsetup autodiscover wizard for fast test setup
- Automatic detection of mixed payload signal structures
- Accurate measurement of protection switching times (ring and linear networks)
- Jitter generation and measurement at all rates (1.5, 2, 8, 34, 45, 140, 52, 155, 622 and 2,488 Mb/s)
- ITU-T O.172 jitter compliance
- Jitter testing to ITU-T and Bellcore requirements
- Accurate and reliable jitter transfer measurement using 10Hz narrowband filtering
- 64kb/s, nx64kb/s, 56kb/s and nx56kb/s testing with framed payloads
- Comprehensive, simultaneous measurement analysis: G.826, M.21XX and G.821

  • 001 - SDH rates of 2.5 Gb/s, 622 Mb/s, 155 Mb/s, and 52 Mb/s
  • 002 - Dual Standard Sonet/SDH; rates of 2.5 Gb/s, 622 Mb/s, 155 Mb/s, and 52 Mb/s; (OC1 thru OC-48)
  • 012 - PDH/T-Carrier Interfaces;DS1, DS3, and 2/3/34/140 Mb/s
  • 104 - 1310 nm Optical Interface
  • 105 - 1550 nm Optical Interface
  • 106 - Dual wavelength 1310 nm and 1550 nm Optical Interface
  • 200 - Adds jitter Tx/Rx capability
  • 210 - Adds optimized jitter receiver intrinsics; requires option 200 be installed.
  • 300 - ATM payloads; requires option 355 be installed.
  • 310 - Packet over Sonet/SDH; requires option 355 be installed.
  • 355 - Advanced Payload Engine; adds service disruption history, timestamping, and A1S measurements
  • 601 - Remote Control/Printer Interfaces; RS-232C, GPIB, LAN, & Parallel
  • 602 - 80-column in-lid graphics printer
  • 610 - Replaces FC/PC optical interface adapters with SC adapters
  • 611 - Replaces FC/PC optical interface adapters with ST adapters
    • 制造商: Agilent
    • 模型: 37718A