The Keysight 8530A is a fast and accurate microwave receiver designed for both manual and automated antenna measurement and radar cross-section measurement applications. It offers fast data acquisition speeds, excellent sensitivity, wide dynamic range, multiple test channels, and frequency agility --- without compromising measurement accuracy. This receiver provides broad frequency coverage from 45 MHz to 26.5 GHz, with extensions to 110 GHz. The Agilent 8530A can be a replacement receiver for existing antenna or RCS range receivers. With the Agilent 85370A antenna position encoder, the receiver can be interfaced to virtually any positioning system. Any Agilent 8510 network analyzer can be upgraded on-site to an 8530A microwave receiver with the Agilent 85395A/B/C kits. The Agilent 8530A is the basis for the Agilent 85301B/C custom antenna and RCS measurement systems.
High sensitivity for more accurate measurements in less time
High measurement accuracy with linearity of better than 0.5 (phase) and 0.06 dB (magnitude) over a 70 dB range
Fast measurements in both single and multiple frequency applications
Optional time-domain measurement capability
Multiple parameter capability allows fast measurements of multiple output antennas
Large data buffer holds 100,000 measurement points
Although the Keysight Authorized Distributor lists this as obsolete, it is available refurbished.