Spectrum Analyzers : Agilent-Keysight 8590A-001-021


Agilent 8590A-001-021
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 8590A-001-021

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The compact, portable 8590A RF Spectrum Analyzer offers many features of a high-performance model for a low, affordable price. With a wide frequency range (10kHz to 1.5GHz, 4-digit resolution), large amplitude range (-115 dBm to +30 dBm), and a 50-ohm input, the 8590A has the versatility to make most RF signal measurements. A digital display gives flicker-free and parallax-free graticule. Display menus simplify operation and reduce the number of front-panel controls. Special training is not required to run the 8590A. Use the three main control keys and the data entry knob or keypad to measure any signal. Operation is so simple. Center the signal with FREQUENCY; resolve the signal with SPAN; move the signal up and down with AMPLITUDE, that's all there is to it! The analyzer automatically adjusts internal parameters such as resolution bandwidth, sweeptime, IF gain, and input attenuation. A powerful analyze, a great price- order yours today!

001 - 75 Ohm Input Impedance
021 - IEEE-488 GPIB interface
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 8590A-001-021