Laser Source Generators : Agilent-Keysight 81640A


Agilent 81640A
放大图片Agilent-Keysight 81640A

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The Keysight Agilent 81640A tunable laser source covers both C- and L - Band. It is specially designed for testing critical DWDM passive components.

This Agilent "A" Tunable Laser Source has been replaced by 81640B but can be upgraded.

The 81640A works in both C and L DWDM bands. It has continuous sweep and low source spontaneous emission output for high dynamic range. Also, high power optical output for optical amplifier test, a built-in real-time wavelength meter and mode-hop free tuning .
Although the 81640A has been designated as obsolete by Keysight Authorized distributor, this unit is available for sale or rent.
Additional Specifications
Wavelength Range: 1510nm to 1640nm
Max. Output Power: 4dBm
Wavelength Accuracy (abs.): +/- 0.015nm Wavelength repeatability (typ.): +/- 0.5pm

071 - PMF, straight fiber interface
072 - PMF, angled fiber interface
AB0 - Taiwan - Chinese localization
AB1 - Korea - Korean localization
ABF - France - French localization
ABJ - Japan - Japanese localization
  • 制造商: Agilent
  • 模型: 81640A